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.- Our CEO and founder established Water2kW in July 2020.

.- The final configuration of the H2umidity® and EcOsmosis H2® patents is completed.

.- Patents are presented for international protection through PCT file.

.- The Water2kW Advisory Council is formed with people of complete trust and recognized prestige. personal and professional.

.- During the pandemic, the Water2kW Strategic Plan was designed.

.- Water2kW launches the technical office in the Canary Islands.

.- Water2kW's permanent R&D&i department is launched.
.- The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy of the Government of Spain approves the Water2kW project to hire research personnel.

.- Two researchers and an R&D&I director join the team Water2kW technician

.- The Government of the Canary Islands approves the R&D project presented by Water2kW through the Stars Program.

.- The Water2kW representative offices in Chile begin their activities , Morocco and Colombia.

.- Water2kW launches its technical office in Madrid.

.- A collaboration agreement is signed with the ICEX to support the internationalization of Water2kW activities.

- The Government of the Canary Islands approves the project for the Incorporation of Innovative Staff at Water2kW.

.- The Ministry of Science and Innovation grants Water2kW the Innovative SME seal.

.- The Ministry of Science and Innovation approves the Public-Private Collaboration project presented by Water2kW.

.- Water2kW's Equality and Workplace Harassment Prevention Plan is approved.

.- Water2kW receives the S3ECharge distinction after concluding an intense and successful mentoring process.

.- Water2kW obtains the ENISA seal.

.- H2umidity® from Water2kW obtains the First Prize for the Best Green Hydrogen Technology from the United Nations at the UNIDO Global Award 2023.

For the year 2024 the priority objectives are:

.- New investments to reinforce the team and infrastructure of R&D&i.

.- Work on solutions that allow us to lower the level of 20kWh/Kg of green hydrogen produced.

.- Launch the demonstrations in the design phase in 2023.

.-Increase the international presence of Water2kW.



Higher Graduates %
Women %
Men %

Investments in R&D&i (Provision in €) Period 08/2022 - 09/2023

Registered Patents
Public Support Programs Obtained
SDGs United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Accomplished
Distinctions and Recognitions


CEO & Advisors
R+D+i Team


Headquarters in Spain

R&D&I Offices

Current Representative Offices

New Representative Offices 2024

Juan Suárez
CEO & Founder

More than 30 years of experience in the creation and management of business projects, reaffirms the importance of surrounding yourself with a great team. It is my pride to introduce you to the people who accompany me in this wonderful business adventure. Trained, committed people who, without a doubt, will give the best of themselves in each of the actions we undertake.

Antonio Pérez Collar
Advisor - Director, Business Development Specialist

Antonio has a Degree in Mathematics from the UCM of Madrid and a PDD in Business Administration from the IESE (Navarra University).
Founder of CHao (Chance and Choices SL) – Devoted to the sustainable business assessment focused on energy to various international Consulting entities, Legal firms and Corporations. Stakeholder in the LNGas Hive Initiative, and Steering Committee member of the Exhibition and Forum of Sustainable Urban Mobility, BENIMOV, and the Madrid AquaEnergy Forum.

With more than 35 years´ experience in the international oil, gas, power and renewables industry in the Repsol Group of companies.
From January 2014 until his early retirement in July 2015, he was the Deputy Executive Director of the new Gas & Power Division of REPSOL and the Power Business and Renewables Director.

Prior to this position, Antonio was the Commercial and LNG Business Development Director of REPSOL GAS NATURAL LNG – STREAM, the joint venture in charge of the management of its parent companies LNG contracts, as well as the commercialization and trade of the LNG.

From 1994 until 2007 takes various positions in REPSOL as LNG Business Development Director and Director of Gas & Power in the Corporate Strategic Planning division, where he defined and developed the strategy of LNG developments worldwide including Atlantic LNG and Peru LNG.

Prior to his work at REPSOL, he takes 15 years as Operation Manager of Spanish Gas Network System in ENAGAS until 1994 when he moves to the Instituto Nacional de Hidrocarburos as Planning Director of the Europe- Maghreb Pipeline.

All along his career he takes executive positions at various international Board of Directors: Executive VP of Transporte Gasoducto Transandino (Chile), Director at Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Director at Repsol LNG Port of Spain BV (T&T), President of Gastream Mexico SA de CV, Director at Peru LNG, Director at Inch Cape Offshore Ltd., Director at Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd and Director at Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd in Scotland (UK)
Individual Associate Member at the Spanish Gas Association (Sedigas), the Spanish Energy Club (Enerclub), the Renewable Hydrogen Spanish Association (AeH2) and the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN).


2020-Present WATER2KW Director of Green Energy Projects
2015-Present CHao Sustainable Business Assessment
2014-2015 REPSOL Deputy Executive Director Gas and Renewable Energy
2007-2013 STREAM Director of Commercial and Business Development
2002-2007 REPSOL Director of Strategy and LNG Business Development
1996-2002 REPSOL Director of Corporate Planning for Gas & Power
1994-1995 INH Head of Strategic Planning of SAGANE, S.A. (INH)
1992-1994 ENAGAS Head of Operations and Strategy Department 1977-1992 ENAGAS Head of National Gas Network Operation


Individual member of the Spanish Gas Association (Sedigas).
Member of the Spanish Energy Club (Enerclub)
Partner of the Spanish Renewable Hydrogen Association (AeH2)
Member at the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIP


2014-2015 Director of Repsol Nuevas Energías SA and director of offshore wind projects in the North Sea (Scotland) Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Ltd, Inch Cape Offshore Ltd, Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd., Repsol Inch Cape Offshore Ltd, Repsol Moray Firth Ltd, Repsol UK Round 3 Ltd, Repsol Beatrice Ltd, Repsol Nuevas Energías UK Ltd
2006-2014 Representative Repsol Comercializadora de Gas SA, Repsol Gas Natural LNG SL, Gas Natural Fenosa LNG SL and Repsol LNG SL
2005-2008 Director Peru LNG
2004-2005 President Gastream Mexico SA de CV
1998-1999 Board Member Gas Natural de Mexico SA de CV
1996-2001 Director Repsol LNG Port Spain BV (Rotterdam)
1995-1999 Director of Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago • 1994-1995 Director SAGANE Europe-Maghreb Pipeline Ltd.
1992-1993 Executive VP Transportation Gasoducto Transandino Ltda. (Chile)

Marina Paradela
Advisor, Legal Specialist

Over 28 years, Marina has held different management positions at REPSOL and CEPSA, as legal and commercial manager of countless operations and transactions in the energy sector in Latin America, Europe, North Africa and Southeast Asia. She has developed recognized competencies in this field, including energy policies, negotiation and drafting of contracts for new business and field services, EPC, technology transfer, joint ventures, corporate structures in multiple jurisdictions, foreign investment regime, M&A, Due Diligence and risk assessment, with extensive experience in leadership and coordination of multidisciplinary and multicultural teams throughout complex processes.
Since 2016, she is an independent advisor for energy companies, international consultancy firms, law firms and governments, participating in the identification, development, financing and operation of sustainable international oil and gas projects, LNG, renewable energy, emission reduction strategies and diverse opportunities in the energy transition to a decarbonized economy.
Marina began her career in Argentina, as legal advisor to TEXACO in the oil opening process that led the company to the acquisition of several exploration and production blocks (1991-1992). Following her move to REPSOL, she actively participated in the expansion of the Group in Latin America, responsible for the corporate establishment and supervision of legal and contractual aspects in different countries of the region, such as Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil (1992-1998). She was also part of REPSOL’s team at ATLANTIC LNG, one of LNG’s largest integrated projects in the world, in charge of negotiating contracts with the Government of Trinidad Tobago and maritime charter policies for meth vessels (1999-2001).
At CEPSA, Marina was responsible for creating the Department of Legal Affairs of Exploration and Production, being its director for twelve years and developing a team of 15 in-house lawyers in Madrid and Bogotá (2001-2013). In that role, she was responsible for the negotiation and monitoring of new business and operations contracts, corporate establishment and coordination of legal teams in numerous countries, such as Colombia, Peru, Algeria, Egypt, the Netherlands, Brazil, Yemen and Thailand. She subsequently assumed the position of Commercial Manager in New Business, as part of the multidisciplinary team responsible for the acquisition of an offshore portfolio in Brazil, Suriname and Liberia (2014-2015).
At present, she is Director of Energy, Mining, Natural Resources and Environmental Law at LUPICINIO International Law Firm with headquarters in Madrid, representative in Spain of DENTONS RATTAGAN MACCHIAVELLO AROCENA Lawyers in Argentina, Associate Consultant of SGS, a world leader in certification, verification and environment, and Associate of CHANCE AND CHOICES (CHao), a company for strategic consulting and sustainable business evaluation.
Relevant Projects
• Senegal-Mauritania. Cross-border unitization and development of the Grand Tortue-Ahmeyin offshore gas field. She advises the Government of Senegal on the certification of reserves, field development plan and negotiation of unitization contract and SPA with BP. Institutional Capability Development Program of the World Bank Group.
• Argentina. Vaca Muerta. Advises local operator on portfolio design, SPA and global LNG sales strategy.
• Spain. Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to a refinery in for energy efficiency. Technology contracts for pilot project.
• Cuba. Mariel Solar. Drafting and negotiation of financing contracts, joint venture and EPC for Shanghai Electric in the construction and operation of 50MW PV solar plant in the Mariel Development Zone. Investment advice.
• Spain. 260MW PV Solar plant project. Advised Shanghai Electric on the acquisition process. Risk assessment, due diligence, purchase contract, PPA and financial structure.
• Argentina. RenovAR bidding rounds. Evaluation of the investment framework, PPA, FODER (Renewable Energy Development Fund), Trust Agreement and Guarantee of the World Bank Group. Risk analysis of the BICE (Investment and Foreign Trade Bank).
• Argentina. Long Term Energy Planning. Advised a group of international investors in analysis of the impact of energy efficiency and savings on the demand scenarios proposed by the Government. Assessment of technical and comercial risks.

• Spain-Algeria. Medgaz. Deep-water gas pipeline in the Mediterranean. Supervision of legal and contractual structure in the study and evaluation stage until project integration.
• Trinidad Tobago. Atlantic LNG (2&3). Responsible for the negotiation of contracts with the Government of Trinidad Tobago, shareholder agreements and six LNG ship maritime charter policies on behalf of Repsol.
• Algeria. Ourhoud unitization. Negotiation of Unitization Agreements. Redetermination process with Sonatrach and international oil companies.
• Colombia. Oleoducto Central S.A. (Ocensa). Corporate acquisition. Modification of the business model. Corporate restructuring. Renegotiation of Transport Contracts and Shareholder Agreement.
Lawyer and Attorney – Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) – 1991
(Equivalence to Law Degree in Spain 2017)
Postgraduate Degree in Negotiation – Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) – 1992
Certificate of Petroleum Geology – University of Texas – 2015
Energy Risk Professional (ERP®) – Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) – 2017
Economic Policymaking – EI Business School – 2018
She has completed numerous courses on international contracts, energy policies, finance, business administration, international taxation, energy tax systems, M&A and project evaluation.
Merits and Recognitions
Member of the Committees of Model Contracts for LNG SPA and Unitization of the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN).
Collaborator in the writer team of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP).
Finalist of the Gold Award in the Corporate Lawyer category awarded by Iberian Lawyer in recognition of excellence in the practice of the legal profession in Spain and Portugal (2016).
Regular collaborator of legal and energy publications, with articles such as “Gas Market in the United States: Administrative and Fiscal Framework such as Success Factor Parts I and II (abogados.com.ar, 2020) and “Market of Renewable Energy in Argentina two years later: balance and perspectives” (Energy Notebook No. 54, Spanish Energy Club-Enerclub, 2018), among others..
Guest lecturer in the topics LNG SPA and Project Evaluation in the Postgraduate Program on Hydrocarbon Law of the Universidad Austral, Argentina.
Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.

Miguel Benavides
Advisor, Economic Specialist

20 years’ experience in finance, business development, management consulting and organizational transformation in energy. Currently entrepreneur, venture builder, consultant and mentor.
Miguel is the founder and CEO of Meeminds, an expert marketplace that connects companies to independent experts, advisors, and consultants for project-based contracts, and provides advice and consulting services on Future of Work practices, operating models and strategy to execution projects.
His experience gained in Houston supporting the development in a few years of a leading global LNG company provides him with a unique understanding of the challenges associated with the continued transformation of organizations in the early stages of their development and growth.
Miguel has held key roles in Cheniere Energy Inc. (Houston), a NASDAQ company, in the early years of its development, supporting the company grow from $600m to $20bn market cap. He led major enterprise transformation projects related to governance, implemented and led strategic projects and IT PMOs, as well as business processes management projects across the organization. Miguel was also V.P. in charge of Supply Chain, Engineering and other Operations Support leading over 100+ staff.
Before that, he also held leadership positions in Repsol (Madrid) where he first was Senior Financial Analyst in the International Finance Department, and then moved to work as Business Development Manager in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). He was detached to Peru (Lima) where he spent 7 years working in Peru LNG overseeing project development, project finance, setting up the corporate governance structure and agreements of the J.V., and later leading strategic planning, budget and controls, and risk management. He was involved with Peru LNG from inception thru asset divestiture.
Prior to his experience in energy, Miguel worked as Management Consultant at Foquus, and Senior Tax Consultant at PWCs in Belgium.
He holds an International MBA from Instituto de Empresa, a B.A. in Finance and a B.A. in International Management & Consulate Affairs from I.C.HE.C. (Brussels).
He is fluent in Spanish, French and English.
Oil & Gas and LNG business development, Contract negotiation
Pre-operational project development, Target Operating Model
Strategic Planning, Performance Management, Risk Management
Financial Modelling, Budget and controls, Project Finance
Business Process Management and Optimization
Program and project management (PMO)
Future of work, Exponential Organizations
Executive Degree in Digital Business – The Valley Digital Business School (Madrid)
International MBA – Instituto de Empresa (Madrid)
B.A. in Finance – ICHEC (Brussels)
B.A. in International Trade & Consulate Affaires – ICHEC (Brussels)
• Vice President, Asset Group Shared Services (Cheniere Energy)
• Director Planning & Transformational Projects (Cheniere Energy)
• Planning & Control Manager (Peru LNG, Repsol)
• Business Development Manager (Repsol)
• Management Consultant (Foquus, PWC)

Fernando Temprano
Advisor, R&D&I Specialist

Fernando Temprano is a Doctor in Chemical Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1985) and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from INSEAD / Euroforum (1998-1999) with more than 30 years of experience in research and technological development, in the public sector and in the private sector, particularly related to the chemical, oil & gas and energy sectors, as well as the impact of emerging technologies and particularly digitization in other industrial sectors.

From 2007 to 2017 he was Director of R&D / Technology at Repsol, with global responsibility in this area.
From that position, he has promoted the transformation of R & D & I activities, both in terms of the content of the portfolio and the organization itself and the collaboration models, in order to launch new technological lines to prepare the company for the challenges of the Energy Transition, seeking technological leadership in selected areas. For example, energy storage, new materials and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence for optimization of complex systems, new technologies for mobility or biotechnology. Getting to become in a short period of time (less than five years) a reference in these areas and a preferred partner for institutions such as the “Watson R&D Center of IBM”, the “Barcelona Supercomputing Center”, “Honda Racing Corporation”, or Harvard University.

Before that position, he held others, among which it is worth mentioning:
• Director of Technology for Exploration & Production and Gas at RepsolYPF (2005-2007), creating RepsolYPF’s R&D portfolio for E&P and Gas as well as a new high-performance team.
• Director of Technological Planning and Strategy at RepsolYPF (2001-2005), in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Madrid (Spain).
• Director of the RepsolYPF Technology Center in Argentina, 2001-2003, La Plata (Argentina).
• Manager of the Specialties R&D Portfolio, R&D Project Leader and Researcher at Repsol, (1989-1999).
• Product Manager for clay specialties (Commercial Department) and Researcher (R&D Department), at Tolsa, an international mining company (1987-1989).
• Assistant Professor and Researcher, Department of Organic Chemistry, UAM, 1980-1986

Additionally, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of NEOL Biosolutions SA, member of the Executive Committee of ALINNE (Spanish Alliance for Research and Innovation in Energy), member of the Boards of Trustees of ICIQ (Catalan Institute of Chemical Research), of IREC (Research Institute in Energy in Catalonia), and IMDEA Nanoscience as well as a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the CSIC, external advisor to the Secretary of State for R & D & I for the development of the Spanish R&D Strategy (2012). He is also a member of the organizing committee of Madrid AquaEnergy Forum (2018-19-20) and has been coordinator of the report “Digitization of the Energy Sector” (Enerclub 2020).

Likewise, he has given numerous conferences at professional events, congresses and universities, including some of the most prestigious institutions in Europe and America. Examples include:
• Innovation and Value; the 2001 EIRMA Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden;
• Oil & gas technology; IAPG, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2002;
• Talent and innovation in the challenges of the future; University-Company Awards; Madrid, 2011.
• Appearance at the Climate Change Commission of the Congress of Deputies, Madrid, February 28, 2013.
• Energy transformation; Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Bilbao, 2015.
• Integration of water and energy, planning model systems. Enabling Resiliency in Energy, Water, and Food Systems for Society, The University of Arizona, April 15-17, 2015 / Biosphere2.

Since 2017 he has been a partner and co-founder of Talantia, a technology startup for the environment.
Currently he also advises various Spanish and international companies and institutions on innovation, strategy and business transformation, prospects and future trends in relation to energy and industry.

Rosana Álvarez
Advisor, Environmental Specialist

Rosana accumulates 20 years of experience in the management and development of projects related to the environment and the environmental impact of human activities in different ecosystems, one of her specialties being the study of the marine environment, coordinating and directing different working groups in national projects and Europeans. Since 2006, she has been the founder and CEO of Elittoral, offering national and international environmental consultancy specialized in the coastal and marine environment and developing studies that allow determining the state of the marine environment at the present moment or predicting its future evolution.

Rosana graduated in Marine Sciences in 2000. In 2001 she began her professional activity at the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, after which she joined the Department of Marine Geosciences and Territorial Planning of Vigo and later the Canary Institute of Sciences Marinas. She accumulating a great experience in the direction and coordination of multidisciplinary technical teams.
She has directed and actively participated in more than 100 projects in the marine and European R & D & I project management fields.

Participation in R + D + i Projects
• Ecosystems and biodiversity: Surveillance of protected sandy areas in the Canary Islands and Africa (TELECAN project)
• Commercial Laboratory of propagation and micropropagation of Cymodocea nodosa and other seagrasses (CYMOLAB Project)
• Design of a tool aimed at evaluating the impact of wastewater discharges into the sea (AVERAR Project)
• Monitoring and Evaluation of Brine Discharge and its Environmental Impacts in the Canary Islands (MEVESIAC Project)
• Evaluation of the reuse of saline waste (brine) from desalination plants, in the production of sodium hypochlorite (ERSAL Project)
• Monitoring, Evaluation and Modeling of Brine Discharge (MEMVES Project).
• Knowledge, promotion and appreciation for the sustainable use of ecosystems and marine biodiversity in Macaronesia (MARMAC II).
• Establishment of the limits between quality classes of the biological and physicochemical parameters for each type of coastal water mass in the Canary Islands ”, required by Directive 2000/60 / CE.
• Design of the Monitoring Program for Canarian Surface Waters required by Directive 2000/60 / CE.
• Knowledge, promotion and appreciation for the sustainable use of Marine Protected Areas in Macaronesia (MARMAC).
• Characterization, management and management of protected marine areas of Macaronesia (PARQMAR).
• Study of the accumulation of fuel in various beaches of Fisterra. (PI 2002) Funding entity: Unión Temporal de Empresas (Directorate of Coasts of Galicia).
• Interaction between geochemical evolution and hydrodynamic forcings in the Galician Rías: definition of a new sedimentation medium based on the dynamic coupling of geofluids (REN2003-02822)

Relevant Field Projects
• Bathymetric and Geophysics Studies at Refinería Petrolera Acajutla, Ltda. De C.V./RASA Marine Terminal-Anchors Area.
• Proposal for a Marine Protected Area in Noja and its processing at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA).
• Preparation of an aquaculture plan and a register of the infrastructure for the development of aquaculture in the Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz and Doukkala-Abda region.• Morphological study with lateral scan sonar of a coastal area near the area called “PLOCAN Test Bank”.
• Oceanographic characterization of the hydrocabride prospecting areas in the Canary Islands, authorized by the Government of Spain to REPSOL YPF (Spain)
• Diagnosis of coastal protection structures and sedimentological transport produced by marine currents in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala.
• Management and development of aquaculture in the Oued Eddahab Lagouria region, specifically between the north of Dakhla Bay and the south of Cintra Bay – identification of the characteristics of the environment.
• Hydrodynamic and Advection-Dispersion Modeling of the Submarine Emissary of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Desalination Station. Coast of Antigua (Fuerteventura).
• Management and development of aquaculture in the Oued Eddahab Lagouria region, specifically between the north of Dakhla Bay and the south of Cintra Bay – identification of the characteristics of the environment.
• Monitoring of the conservation status of the habitats that make up the Natura 2000 Network of the Balearic Islands. Lot I. Marine Habitats.
• Execution of the Environmental Surveillance Plan for the laying of the submarine cable of the Canary Islands Oceanic Platform (PLOCAN).
• Water quality control services through a Systematic Surveillance Plan in the Port of Arrecife and in the Port of Puerto del Rosario, based on ROM 5.1 and the Environmental Impact Declarations of the expansion works.
• Monitoring of the marine phanerogams indicator of the Water Framework Directive in the coastal waters of Catalonia to obtain the POMI and CYMOX biological quality indices.
• Review and proposal to modify the Monitoring and Control Program for Discharges from Unelco – ENDESA thermal power plants.

• Morphological and granulometric associated with the storm season: Panxón beach (Galicia, NW Spain)
• Morphological and granulometric variations associated with the storm season: Panxón beach (Galicia, NW Spain).
• Geochemical characteristics and magnetic properties of the sediment in the sinking zone of the Prestige Vessel
• Design for the Implementation of ROM 5.1-05 in the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. EROM-01
• Cetacean diversity at the west coast of La Palma island (Canary Island).
• Design of a tool for decision making in brine discharges. X Conference on Ports and Coasts. Santander.
• New methodology for evaluating the effects of brine discharges into the marine environment.

• Degree in Marine Sciences (University of Vigo, Vigo (Spain)
• Diploma in Advanced Studies in Beach Sedimentary Dynamics
• Expert Course in Port and Coastal Studies (Center for Experimental Studies, Madrid (Spain).
• Advanced Management Program (IE Business School).

Spanish, Galician, English, Portuguese, German.

Román Villaescusa
Advisor, Internationalization Specialist

Román directs and participates in several companies dedicated to consulting and business advice. He is Director of the Business School of Small and Medium Enterprises ESPYME BUSINESS SCHOOL. External consultant for several companies dedicated to the telecommunications, training and services sector. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of the MC Mutual entity. Director of Alares, Water On, Simul Consultores, PSP International and IHL Consulting

He currently chairs the Iberemprende Foundation which develops the IBEROAMERICA EMPRENDE program, declared a Project attached to the Summit of Heads of State and Government of Iberoamerica. He has developed different projects for entrepreneurs in different Latin American countries, directly training more than 50,000 young people and women entrepreneurs, generating a great impact on business creation.

He has been President of Aje Cantabria, General Secretary and Vice President of AJE ESPAÑA and President of the Ibero-American Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs CIJE. He participated in the Executive Commission and Board of Directors of the CEOE-CEPYME of Cantabria, and was President of its Foreign Promotion Commission and member of this commission at the national level. General Counsel of the financial entity Caja Cantabria (today Liberbank), Counselor of the Economic and Social Council of Cantabria (CES), Counselor of the Reciprocal Guarantee Society (Sogarca), Counselor of the Cantabria Trade Fair.

He currently gives training in Electronic Commerce, Creation and Internationalization of companies in different and important Business Schools in Spain and Latin America, where he has traveled more than 375 times. He has trained and motivated thousands of entrepreneurs in the creation of companies with his conference “Learning to Undertake in the XXI Century”, and has been one of the greatest promoters of Networking in Spain and Latin America where he has given numerous conferences on this matter in major chambers of commerce and business organizations.

He has published numerous and different opinion articles in the press and economic magazines, seven books “Manual of Business Creation” “Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Society”, “Manual of Social and Business Relations”, “Support Internationalization”, “Guide to Innovation for SMEs “, Networking: Social and Business Relations for Entrepreneurs” and “Culture and International Contacts” He is currently awaiting publication of his eighth book NETWORKING: From Know How to Know Who.

He is an Adoptive Son of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Civic Medal in the Degree of Commander and Civic Medal in the Official Degree for this city. He also holds the Grand Cross of Rafael Núñez in the Grand Official Degree granted by the Government of Bolivar (Colombia). Silver Medal by the Commerce Federation of Cantabria (Spain).
He is Honorary Consul of Malta in Spain since 2002, currently being the Dean of the consuls of this country in Spain.

William Gartland
Advisor, Institutional Relations Specialist

Bill has more than 30 years’ experience in Leadership, Management, Business Development and International Relations in
multiple business sectors:

• Oil & Gas
• Health Care / Insurance
• Agriculture, Distribution / Production
• Technology * Private Equity
• Real Estate * Third Sector


Among other positions and activities, he has been:

.- Manager and Promoter of Entrepreneurial initiatives/mentoring/coaching and Business Development primarily in the Health Care & Energy sectors.
.- Deputy Director Institutional Programs Fundación Repsol.
.- Deputy Director International Institutional Relations Repsol.
.- Deputy Director International Relations, Media Outlets and Special Projects Repsol.
.- International Financial & Technology Services SARL; Grupo Gosa. Project Manager / Business Development
.- DAMI International, LLC, Houston, TX, USA. Partner – International Business Consulting
.- Coastal Securities, Houston, Texas
Mortgage Derivative Broker (CMO’s), Spain and Latin American markets
.- Denticare / Unilife, Sugar Land, Texas (HMO and Life Insurance Company)
Senior Executive Vice President and Member of the BOD


• B.S. en Business Administration, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, WI
• Post-graduate, advanced and continuing studies in corporate & international finance, accounting, international commerce, U Houston & Rice U, Houston, TX
• Courses on energy (LNG, Sustainability, Electricity and Alternative/Renewable Energy) in ISE & Enerclub, Spain.


• Unilife Insurance Company, San Antonio, TX (BOD, Secretary).
• Texas DMO Advisory Committee, Texas State Board of Insurance.
• DMO Advisory Committee, Texas. HMO Association (Board Member)
• Mercy Foundation, Monterrey México (Trustee).


• Bilingual / Bicultural: Spanish and English; Dual nationality (United States of America & Spain).




Luisa Fraga
R&D&i Manager - PhD in Chemistry

Luisa María Fraga Trillo has a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

With more than 30 years of experience in R&D&I, her activity has been focused on identifying opportunities and defining and deploying strategy in the field of Advanced Materials and its contribution to a more efficient, safe energy model. and sustainable. She has extensive knowledge in portfolio management of short, medium and long-term projects in areas such as CO2 recovery, low C technologies, nanotechnology and development of differentiated products for niche applications. Her previous experience in open innovation allows her to have top-level interaction models and contacts in the academic and industrial sectors.

Professional experience:
– Senior Technical Consultant in Advanced Materials: 2017-2020 (Technology and Corporate Venturing Directorate Repsol S.A.)
– Responsible for Experimentation and Innovation Support: 2015-2017 (Repsol S.A. Technology Directorate)
– Technical Consultant in Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology: 2010-2015 (Repsol S.A.)
– Technology Project Leader: 1990-2010 (Repsol Química S.A.)

– Repsol Representative in Work Package “Regulation”, “R-T” and “Industrialization” of the European Nanofutures Platform (2016-2020)
– Repsol Representative in the “Value Chain Expert Group” of the Value4Nano initiative -7th Framework Program Project (2016-2020)
– Repsol Representative in NanoSpain (-2020)
– Repsol representative in “Nanotechnology Group” at Plastics Europe
– Member of the Management Council of MATERPLAT – Spanish Technological Platform for Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials (2009-2011)
– President of the Management Council of SUSCHEM Spain (2018-2020)
– President of the FEIQUE R&D&i Commission (2018-2020)
– Repsol Representative in the CEFIC Materials Expert Group (2018-2020)
– Participation as an expert in the SIRA Consultation Group (Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda) for Advanced Materials in the SUSCHEM workshop “Towards a New Suschem SIRA”. 2019
– Participation as an expert in SIRA 2019 – Circular Economy in SUSCHEM (European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry) (2017-2020)
– Participation as an expert in SIRA 2020 (2018-2020).

Luisa has participated as a speaker in multiple conferences and events, the most recent of which are:
– “The value of diversity and women in Science.” University of Navarra (2020)
– Talent Woman Spain 2019: “The key technological innovation in the energy transition” (2019)
– “The chemistry of success: Women, Science, Innovation and Society” organized by Foro Química y Sociedad, Madrid Student Residence and Sustainable Chemistry Technological Platform Suschem España (2019)
– II Conference on Innovation with Plastics for a Circular Economy”. Plastics Europe – Suschem España (2019)

Key reader for “First Year Assessment” at Instituto Imdea Materiales, member of 2 thesis boards and co/author of 6 scientific publications and 8 international patent families.

Perrine Nantois
Chemical Engineer R+D+i

With a Master’s degree in Industrial Chemical Process Engineering, with specialization in Quality, Safety and Environment, Perrine has carried out her work activities in Water Management, Quality and Treatment.

She began her professional career in France, at the Cristal Union sugar cooperative, carrying out a preliminary project study and a technical-economic action plan for a transition towards a sustainable sugar process, and eliminating the plant’s well water consumption. She continued at the International Center for Research on Water and the Environment (CIRSEE) of the company Suez S.A., to monitor a semi-industrial pilot of biological treatment of ammonium in wastewater with low energy consumption techniques. Subsequently, Ella Perrine was responsible for the analytical monitoring and treatment with monochloramine due to the microbiological risk of the cooling water of the Chooz nuclear power plant (France). Upon arriving in Spain, she joined the Environmental Technology, Management and Biogeochemistry Research group to participate in the European (Interreg Antlantic) Blueports project, focused on the study of risk caused by ballast water discharges in the port of Las Palmas. . She finally joined Water2kW’s R&D&i team in 2022, providing her experience and knowledge in water management, quality and treatment, to optimize the green hydrogen production process from water. Perrine’s profile stands out both for her experience in field work in industrial production plants and operation of pilot facilities, as well as her professional capabilities in R&D&I.

Additionally, she speaks fluent French, Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Javier Rodríguez
Mechanical Engineer R+D+i

Javier is an engineer in Industrial Technologies with experience in the design and manufacture of heavy machinery and plastic hydraulic systems.

He began his professional career in the company Tarma Bulk Solids Solutions, S.L. designing and inspecting the manufacturing and commissioning of machines intended for the handling of large tonnage bulk.

He has developed his work as a Studies and Budget Engineer at Georg Fischer, S.A., where he carried out the SolidWorks implementation, developing the design protocols, templates, formats and the library of all its references. He also made 3D models and implementation, manufacturing and inspection plans for some of Georg Fischer’s projects.

He has worked on the preparation of technical project documentation for Acciona Agua, SUEZ Water Solutions and Veolia, among others.

He joined Water2kW in 2022 as an R&D Engineer helping to increase the performance of EcOsmosis® and H2umidity® technologies through 3D modeling. Sizing, optimizing and validating different scenarios through simulations that are based on the components that make up our technologies.

In the language section, Javier can communicate fluently in English and Italian, in addition to having Spanish as his native language.

Zoraida Ramos
Electrical Engineer R+D+i

Zoraida is an electrical engineer with a Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Transition.

Her professional career has experience in various sectors related to electrical engineering, renewable energy and R&D&I.

She has performed functions such as supervising electrical installations and single-line diagrams of installations associated with water collection, purification and purification, carrying out energy audits, innovation diagnosis, and drafting projects for off-shore wind energy installations.

He has worked within the Insular Energy and Energy Transition Council of Gran Canaria (CIEGC) where he carried out the technical management in the different phases of subsidies for photovoltaic installations, in addition to the preparation of previous studies of photovoltaic installations, monitoring of the maintenance actions, monitoring using SCADA, collection and study of data on the energy production of photovoltaic installations, and technical support in the review of photovoltaic installation projects and projects for electric vehicle charging points.

Currently, she develops her professional activity at Water2kW as an R+D+i engineer, contributing her knowledge and experience in the electrical sector and renewable energies. Two fundamental sectors in any project related to the production of green hydrogen. Its main mission is to provide solutions that help constantly increase the efficiency and stability of Water2kW systems and technologies.

Clara Martín
Chemical Engineer R+D+i

Clara is an Industrial Chemical Engineer from the University of Oviedo, Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón.

Her professional experience began as an Internship, EDP, developing tasks related to contract management, incident resolution and billing management.

She later joined Inditex as a sales assistant.

Her latest professional experience has been linked to SAMOA Industrial S.A., being responsible for purchasing management, supply management, international logistics and resolution of incidents related to corporate supply.

Clara joins the Water2kW R&D team with the aim of developing her work in Chile for at least a year. Under the direction of the Water2kW R&D&i team in Spain, Clara will coordinate and work on R&D&i tasks related to the Water2kW projects in Chile together with technological partners and local companies.

In the language section, Clara has advanced proficiency in English and intermediate level in Italian, in addition to having Spanish as his native language.

Raquel Yanes
PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling R+D+i

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Silvia Hernández
Process Engineer R+D+i

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Eduvigis Pérez
Mathematics, Artificial Intellingence R+D+i

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Andrea Illana
PhD in Advanced Chemistry R+D+i

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