Equipment dimensions in meters (Width, Length, Height):
Short Module: 2,25 m x 5,80 m x 2,30 m.
Long Module: 2,25 m x 11,90 m x 2,30 m.
Custom configurations are possible
Generates water from the ambient humidity for electrolysis using PEMWE or AEMWE technologies. The configuration allows increasing the production without increasing the footprint.
Generates green hydrogen by taking advantage of ambient humidity for subsequent electrolysis using state-of-the-art PEMWE or AEMWE electrolyzers.
Generates renewable electricity using a hydrogen fuel cell, taking advantage of the hydrogen produced by the electrolyzer. Available 24/7. The integrated H2 storage is adjustable to the client’s specific needs.
Recycles residual O2 to generate hydrogen peroxide H2O2 as a disinfectant, Nanobubbles, or enrich the air introduced into the fuel cell to increase its efficiency.
Recycles waste heat from the entire system, to improve its performance in unfavorable weather situations. Valid for external use (ACS, air conditioning, etc). Able to operate 24/7.
Recycles the excess water produced for human or industrial consumption. Combined with O2, it allows the H2O2 generation (disinfectant) and Nanobubbles.
Scalable and modular. The system allows modular generation from a few kg up to 1,000 kg of H2/day per module. By combining several modules, several thousand kg/day of H2 can be generated.
It extracts neither surface water nor groundwater.. No waste or pollution elements is discharged to the environment, making it a 100% sustainable and environmentally friendly solution.
H2umidity® is prepared to be integrated into a solid state green H2 storage system using metal hydrides. The system can also be combined with a pressurized hydrogren storage.