01 Oct Clara Martín
Clara is an Industrial Chemical Engineer from the University of Oviedo, Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón.
Her professional experience began as an Internship, EDP, developing tasks related to contract management, incident resolution and billing management.
She later joined Inditex as a sales assistant.
Her latest professional experience has been linked to SAMOA Industrial S.A., being responsible for purchasing management, supply management, international logistics and resolution of incidents related to corporate supply.
Clara joins the Water2kW R&D team with the aim of developing her work in Chile for at least a year. Under the direction of the Water2kW R&D&i team in Spain, Clara will coordinate and work on R&D&i tasks related to the Water2kW projects in Chile together with technological partners and local companies.
In the language section, Clara has advanced proficiency in English and intermediate level in Italian, in addition to having Spanish as his native language.
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