Román Villaescusa

Román directs and participates in several companies dedicated to consulting and business advice. He is Director of the Business School of Small and Medium Enterprises ESPYME BUSINESS SCHOOL. External consultant for several companies dedicated to the telecommunications, training and services sector. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of the MC Mutual entity. Director of Alares, Water On, Simul Consultores, PSP International and IHL Consulting

He currently chairs the Iberemprende Foundation which develops the IBEROAMERICA EMPRENDE program, declared a Project attached to the Summit of Heads of State and Government of Iberoamerica. He has developed different projects for entrepreneurs in different Latin American countries, directly training more than 50,000 young people and women entrepreneurs, generating a great impact on business creation.

He has been President of Aje Cantabria, General Secretary and Vice President of AJE ESPAÑA and President of the Ibero-American Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs CIJE. He participated in the Executive Commission and Board of Directors of the CEOE-CEPYME of Cantabria, and was President of its Foreign Promotion Commission and member of this commission at the national level. General Counsel of the financial entity Caja Cantabria (today Liberbank), Counselor of the Economic and Social Council of Cantabria (CES), Counselor of the Reciprocal Guarantee Society (Sogarca), Counselor of the Cantabria Trade Fair.

He currently gives training in Electronic Commerce, Creation and Internationalization of companies in different and important Business Schools in Spain and Latin America, where he has traveled more than 375 times. He has trained and motivated thousands of entrepreneurs in the creation of companies with his conference “Learning to Undertake in the XXI Century”, and has been one of the greatest promoters of Networking in Spain and Latin America where he has given numerous conferences on this matter in major chambers of commerce and business organizations.

He has published numerous and different opinion articles in the press and economic magazines, seven books “Manual of Business Creation” “Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Society”, “Manual of Social and Business Relations”, “Support Internationalization”, “Guide to Innovation for SMEs “, Networking: Social and Business Relations for Entrepreneurs” and “Culture and International Contacts” He is currently awaiting publication of his eighth book NETWORKING: From Know How to Know Who.

He is an Adoptive Son of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Civic Medal in the Degree of Commander and Civic Medal in the Official Degree for this city. He also holds the Grand Cross of Rafael Núñez in the Grand Official Degree granted by the Government of Bolivar (Colombia). Silver Medal by the Commerce Federation of Cantabria (Spain).
He is Honorary Consul of Malta in Spain since 2002, currently being the Dean of the consuls of this country in Spain.

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