01 Oct Rosana Álvarez
Rosana accumulates 20 years of experience in the management and development of projects related to the environment and the environmental impact of human activities in different ecosystems, one of her specialties being the study of the marine environment, coordinating and directing different working groups in national projects and Europeans. Since 2006, she has been the founder and CEO of Elittoral, offering national and international environmental consultancy specialized in the coastal and marine environment and developing studies that allow determining the state of the marine environment at the present moment or predicting its future evolution.
Rosana graduated in Marine Sciences in 2000. In 2001 she began her professional activity at the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, after which she joined the Department of Marine Geosciences and Territorial Planning of Vigo and later the Canary Institute of Sciences Marinas. She accumulating a great experience in the direction and coordination of multidisciplinary technical teams.
She has directed and actively participated in more than 100 projects in the marine and European R & D & I project management fields.
Participation in R + D + i Projects
• Ecosystems and biodiversity: Surveillance of protected sandy areas in the Canary Islands and Africa (TELECAN project)
• Commercial Laboratory of propagation and micropropagation of Cymodocea nodosa and other seagrasses (CYMOLAB Project)
• Design of a tool aimed at evaluating the impact of wastewater discharges into the sea (AVERAR Project)
• Monitoring and Evaluation of Brine Discharge and its Environmental Impacts in the Canary Islands (MEVESIAC Project)
• Evaluation of the reuse of saline waste (brine) from desalination plants, in the production of sodium hypochlorite (ERSAL Project)
• Monitoring, Evaluation and Modeling of Brine Discharge (MEMVES Project).
• Knowledge, promotion and appreciation for the sustainable use of ecosystems and marine biodiversity in Macaronesia (MARMAC II).
• Establishment of the limits between quality classes of the biological and physicochemical parameters for each type of coastal water mass in the Canary Islands ”, required by Directive 2000/60 / CE.
• Design of the Monitoring Program for Canarian Surface Waters required by Directive 2000/60 / CE.
• Knowledge, promotion and appreciation for the sustainable use of Marine Protected Areas in Macaronesia (MARMAC).
• Characterization, management and management of protected marine areas of Macaronesia (PARQMAR).
• Study of the accumulation of fuel in various beaches of Fisterra. (PI 2002) Funding entity: Unión Temporal de Empresas (Directorate of Coasts of Galicia).
• Interaction between geochemical evolution and hydrodynamic forcings in the Galician Rías: definition of a new sedimentation medium based on the dynamic coupling of geofluids (REN2003-02822)
Relevant Field Projects
• Bathymetric and Geophysics Studies at Refinería Petrolera Acajutla, Ltda. De C.V./RASA Marine Terminal-Anchors Area.
• Proposal for a Marine Protected Area in Noja and its processing at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA).
• Preparation of an aquaculture plan and a register of the infrastructure for the development of aquaculture in the Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz and Doukkala-Abda region.• Morphological study with lateral scan sonar of a coastal area near the area called “PLOCAN Test Bank”.
• Oceanographic characterization of the hydrocabride prospecting areas in the Canary Islands, authorized by the Government of Spain to REPSOL YPF (Spain)
• Diagnosis of coastal protection structures and sedimentological transport produced by marine currents in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala.
• Management and development of aquaculture in the Oued Eddahab Lagouria region, specifically between the north of Dakhla Bay and the south of Cintra Bay – identification of the characteristics of the environment.
• Hydrodynamic and Advection-Dispersion Modeling of the Submarine Emissary of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Desalination Station. Coast of Antigua (Fuerteventura).
• Management and development of aquaculture in the Oued Eddahab Lagouria region, specifically between the north of Dakhla Bay and the south of Cintra Bay – identification of the characteristics of the environment.
• Monitoring of the conservation status of the habitats that make up the Natura 2000 Network of the Balearic Islands. Lot I. Marine Habitats.
• Execution of the Environmental Surveillance Plan for the laying of the submarine cable of the Canary Islands Oceanic Platform (PLOCAN).
• Water quality control services through a Systematic Surveillance Plan in the Port of Arrecife and in the Port of Puerto del Rosario, based on ROM 5.1 and the Environmental Impact Declarations of the expansion works.
• Monitoring of the marine phanerogams indicator of the Water Framework Directive in the coastal waters of Catalonia to obtain the POMI and CYMOX biological quality indices.
• Review and proposal to modify the Monitoring and Control Program for Discharges from Unelco – ENDESA thermal power plants.
• Morphological and granulometric associated with the storm season: Panxón beach (Galicia, NW Spain)
• Morphological and granulometric variations associated with the storm season: Panxón beach (Galicia, NW Spain).
• Geochemical characteristics and magnetic properties of the sediment in the sinking zone of the Prestige Vessel
• Design for the Implementation of ROM 5.1-05 in the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. EROM-01
• Cetacean diversity at the west coast of La Palma island (Canary Island).
• Design of a tool for decision making in brine discharges. X Conference on Ports and Coasts. Santander.
• New methodology for evaluating the effects of brine discharges into the marine environment.
• Degree in Marine Sciences (University of Vigo, Vigo (Spain)
• Diploma in Advanced Studies in Beach Sedimentary Dynamics
• Expert Course in Port and Coastal Studies (Center for Experimental Studies, Madrid (Spain).
• Advanced Management Program (IE Business School).
Spanish, Galician, English, Portuguese, German.
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